She's a maniac, MAAANIAC.

That song is totally in my head. I will explain why.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Warm up: 200 rope turns and usual warm up

A: Hang Clean + Front Squat 7 x 1

30 double unders
20 wall ball shots
10 strict pull ups

Results A: 55-60-65-75-80-85-95
I think I could have done more weight but my left shoulder was hurting. I think it was from the overhead squats from the previous day's exercise. I felt pretty damn good though. Another member who has been doing crossfit for a year did 95 pounds and I did 95 pounds on a sore shoulder and I've been there for only a month.

B: I scaled down to 90 single turns (I definitely want to practice my double unders on my own), 8 lb wall ball shots, and negative/jumping pull ups. I did the negatives when I can, but whew! What a freaking work out. I ended up doing 3 rounds, 90 single turns, 20 wb shots and 6 pull ups. When Coach P told us we had 30 seconds left, I was preparing for my pull ups.

What I try to control in the gym is my OCD. Usually when I'm about to clean or pick up a bar, I lock my thumbs in ready for hook grip, but I have to wiggle my fingers 4 times. My OCD tendencies are by 4. So, while I was on the box to do my pull ups, I was gripping the bar, but this time, my feet started pitter-pattering and my coach saw that and said it was cute, lol. I totally thought about... FLASHDANCE!

(I couldn't find the one I wanted, so this will have to do, lol)
