Mah Bodeh.

On Thursday, the 29th, I skipped the WOD. I was really having trouble deciding whether I should go or not. I think I asked like 6 people if I should go. By the time I got home from work, I was dizzy and achey. In my previous post, I got the good news that night that I had won Crossfit Ero's Paleo Challenge. My brother, Steven, picked me up and we had a celebratory dinner at this pho place. It helped my mini cold. After, we headed to the mall to run some errands. It actually made me feel better. I slept so good though.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Warm up: 200 rope turns and Ero warm up

A: Back Squat
Every 30 seconds for 4 minutes
1 rep @ 85% (8 total reps)
Rest 2 minutes
EMOTM (every minute on the minute) for 4 minutes
1 rep @ 90% (4 total reps)

B: 2 minute max effort row for calories
Rest 1 minute

4 minute AMRAP
15 hand release push ups
10 toes to bar
Rest 1 minute


4 minute AMRAP
15 jumping plate squats 45/35
10 pull ups
Rest 1 minute

2 minute max effort row for calories

Results A: 185-195

Results B:
30 calories
2 rounds + 9 knees to chest (in the first round, I did 5 toes to bar, but couldn't hang the rest of the AMRAP. sadface.)
2 rounds + 15 jumping plate squats at 35# + 3 negative pull ups
23 calories

This WOD seriously kicked my ass. Even though I was still kind of sickly, I felt pretty good. I got home, showered, and slept the night away. I woke up Saturday feeling pretty awesome.
